For all the fine Apple people out there, We thought you might find this just a little interesting:
Author: Grant Visser

September 23rd LAN & hackathon a huge success – What’s next?
The Week 9 LAN and Hackathon was a monstrous success! Thanks to all the companies and students who made this possible.

Registering your PC for a MITS LAN
So if you want to connect to the Monash network and internet at the LAN at the next event, you’ll need to Register your computer’s MAC Address. While this might be a bit of pain, it’s the only way we can do it, with the network setup like it is. Registering can take up to 3 […]

Realistic Hand Interactions Coming to VR
Swedish robotics maker, Gleechi, has shown off some innovative developments in virtual reality, that could see in game hands and fingers grip and grasp objects far more realistically. It’s hoped that this would help improve immersion, through letting you grab things in game as you would in the real world.

Monash Hackathon Capture the flag is coming
At the week 9 LAN, we are going to be running a Hackathon. We decided to take this opportunity to create our own Capture The Flag style competition!

Saturday 3rd September LAN Success!
A good time was had by all! Some insane Paragon game play and some old school Borderlands 2 were the highlights of the night. Our next event will be held on the 23rd -24th September at 17:00. We will be having company presentations (and maybe even recruitment), student tech talks, a hackathon (Please Register […]

August 19-20 LAN Success!
To all our members, Thank you for making our August LAN a complete success! Fun was had by all. Games were played Betas were beaten Food was found Much Salt was had There’s more to come! We’re just getting started! We have a lot of free ports and comfy chairs, We’ll see you at the […]

Monash IT Society April 15 LAN Success!
Monash IT Society’s Launch Party and LAN happened on the 15th of April. Fun was had by all! We had a turnout out of around 28 gamers with more popping in throughout the night as well as interested guests. Thank you to all of our members who celebrated this special moment and the dedicated who […]

Sony wants to announce updated PS4 before launch of PlayStation VR, report says
It’s been well over a week since reports came out about Sony releasing an upgraded version of its PlayStation 4. As was reported by Kotaku and Eurogamer, the new PS4, nicknamed the “PS4.5” and “PS4K,” would be capable of displaying media at 4K resolution and allow for games to generally have higher-end graphics. This news caused […]

Next SpaceX launch to expand ISS with inflatable habitat
One of the biggest problems with getting anything into space is the costs involved in hauling every kilo up and out of the atmosphere. If every kilogram costs around £3,000 to get into orbit, imagine the costs involved in taking up the entire International Space Station over the years. One solution being trialled with the […]