New RTF macro Malware from the Dridex gang

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New RTF macro Malware from the Dridex gang

Postby BlackSt0rm » Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:38 pm

In the aftermath of Locky many companies started blocking EXE files directly attached or in ZIP files on their mail gateways. Some moved further and started removing active content in DOC, XLS,  and other MS Office files.  Today an old file type got used again and the virus scanner hit rate was really bad again.


The Malware gets delivered by mails with a RTF file attached (which is often used in the medical area), which e.g. looks like this:


The company exists if you check before opening the attachment. Normally bad RTF files did contain EXE files within them, but not this time. This time it contains highly obfuscated macro code, which MS Word executes. which looks like this:

Code: Select all

Sub Document_Open()
VDSFCDSJ = "qweee"

Code: Select all

Dim XJwoBhgN As String
Open "JQJLAG.ANU" For Binary As 66

Code: Select all

GoTo pKlIahvf
Dim wVyQZrAv As String
Open "CTTBNH.FEB" For Binary As 18
Put #18, , wVyQZrAv
Close #18

Code: Select all

Put #66, , XJwoBhgN

which then did use

Code: Select all


to download a file from

Code: Select all


other researchers report followingURLs:

Code: Select all

The file is called

Code: Select all


which is in reality a EXE file, which contains the Malware itself. Uploading this (we’re one of the first it seems ) to Virustotal showed that only 2 virus scanner detected the Malware:


Some hours later and after others saw the file also in the wild and as we reported the file to virus vendors it looks a little bit better, but not good – for the dropper 8/56:


and for the malware itself 10/56:


I normally don’t write about single viruses, but this one is a show case for some opinions I’ve for some time now.

  • Forget about normal virus detections – sure keep it on Windows system but don’t count on it.
  • You really need to implemented procedures as described in this early blog post.
  • It gets more and more important to implement a sand-boxing technology, where all your files which get to you’re company from the internet gets executed / opened. And this means every file .. not only executables. There are also sand boxing technologies that run on premise or in an European data center.
  • Bigger companies can mitigate that problem easier, the problem child are home users and small companies.

I don’t have a good solutions for home users so far … maybe someone knows something that I could recommend the Windows home users I know.


Code: Select all
Is there any other kind of St0rm than Black?

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