How to see improvement in your Gaming (League of Legends)

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How to see improvement in your Gaming (League of Legends)

Postby Icarus » Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:40 pm

Good day all,

Just writing off the ending of an absolutely incredible LAN and the last event of 2016 for us here at MITS. Thanks to everyone who came and shared this awesome time with me and the rest of us. It's amazing to see how we are growing bigger and bigger each event!
At the LAN we ended up play ALOT and I mean ALOT of League of Legends. Which is what inspired me to write this, I wanted to give a little bit of my advice and share some of the things I have learned while growing as a player in MOBA's sepcifically.
I understand that not everyone is out to see improvement and most people just want to be there for the fun of it (it is a game after all); this is written for those of you that have maybe tried to improve your rank or skill or maybe want to and aren't sure where to start.

If you don't know anything about me I have been playing League of Legends for less than two years and in that short time managed to make my way to Diamond and Platinum Elo's at the end of my second year.
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So if you are interested here comes my biggest most pivotal points in how to climb and see improvement in yourself:

1) Game knowledge is more important than mechanics: not a single player I have ever met above gold doesn't know every single champion and what they can do. Learn jungle routes, item builds, when power spikes occur, champions abilities and their capabilities. Get to the point where you can anticipate what can happen as well as know exactly what to build and how. (Make use of

2) Mute all Chat and even your team: you cannot change anything about how your team plays, all you can change is yourself; if you think you are in a bad elo or your team mates are bad, then you need to carry them. You shouting or getting upset won't make anyone a better player. So please /mute all and just play to the best of your ability.
keep-calm-and-mute-all.png (17.42 KiB) Viewed 8029 times

3) Analyse your mistakes indepth and fix them: Make use of a replay system and take note of every mistake you make and identify what went wrong. Even if your mid laner didn't ss or something along those lines, you could've been aware and avoided it. To follow on from the previous point, start seeing every single time something goes wrong as your fault. Then once you have your list, start fixing your mistakes, one small bit at a time. (I would recommend using or

4) To climb narrow your champion pool: It is very very hard to master a large number of champions at once (if you could do it, you would be master already trust me.) So pick a main role and a secondary role and then at most 3 champions per a role, choose champions that you enjoy and can see yourself sinking 100+ games into. There is nothing wrong with a one trick pony, people have made it to Challenger playing only one champion. If you can't see yourself playing 1000+ games on only one champ then this isn't for you, so be a bit more than a one trick, but keep the pool small!

5) Take breaks: You don't need to play millions of games to get good, just be efficient with your time and fix your mistakes as best you can and you will see improvement in a very short space of time.

Stay positive and remember to have fun, even if your goal is to be the very best.
If you have any questions you can contact me on the MITS Discord Server, if you want me to post the best advice I can per a certain role or champion type, please feel free to ask anything you want.

Brandon Grant
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Re: How to see improvement in your Gaming (League of Legends)

Postby UraharaUlquiorra » Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:36 am

Hey there,

Just wanted to say, was a good post and had basically everything in there that I have been practising this past few months. I have been playing since Season 3 and I have enjoyed every bit of this game, even now. I started playing ranked at the end of season 3 (I mean very end) after the season rewards and I was placed Silver 4. I was shouting "I am so pro at this game" when I saw that silver 4 logo pop up on my screen. Unknowingly making the mistake of thinking I am better than everyone else I just became a toxic player towards my friends and to the community.

In season 4 I was spamming ranked with a duo partner I met online. After my placements I got the rank of silver 5 and climbed all the way to silver 2 playing only talon. I then hit a tilting spree and lost all the way back to silver 5 before the season ended.

In season 5 I joined a DGL team with a guy I played against a year ago in a custom game. I learned so much from him (mechanics, rotations, etc). I started improving as a player only maining Diana, Annie and Katarina. I climbed my way to gold with pure mechanics and playing face rolling champs just to overpower the mid laner and/or snowball the bot. That was my prime objective in every game. I must say it was a hard struggle as I was still pretty bad at the time thinking of it now. At the start of July I posted on the forms of league of legends for some members to join in an "gold exclusive" ranked team. I then began receiving a lot of replies and in the end it was such fun playing as 5 with people coming from different parts of Europe. Here I learned much more than I can image. (Not only to have fun again while playing league, but also skill-wise and champion mechanics. Such as animation cancelling). I didn't play much soloq at this point an only reached a max of gold 4 before just dropping back to gold 5 on 1 LP.

In season 6 I played focusing on only playing one champ per role (main mid/adc) with the intent of out rotating the enemy team (objective control) and getting as much gold as possible. Here is my account:
This season I am aiming for plat as I have platinum Elo at this point and am always matched with gold 3 to plat 2. I have realised that you cannot be good at all champs the whole time and playing 1 champ is the best way to climb the fastest. Also as said above, don't spam too many games as you can tilt easily and go on a loosing spree. (Hence what happened to me today. I lost 3 games in a row resulting in me not jumping to gold 1 after my promo's). Also playing solo has worked out better for me as you do not need to worry about upsetting the duo partner when you mess up and vice versa. Also remember that do not follow stupid people (like a 1/10 jungler). Rather focus on your own mistakes than others and NEVER blame anyone in chat. As said above, mute all and just play for yourself.

I just thought I would share my experiences.

Alano (Benehiko)
Summoner Name: Arki Benehiko

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