HashNamer is a small little utility I wrote with the purpose of renaming the contents of directories to each individual file’s corresponding hash.
Author: BC
Analysis: Trojan.Downloader.d602d80109fbb976449f6e0c5bcea51a0adb85e5f233cae02625896622f46b75
An analysis of a Trojan.Downloader I recently pulled out from one of my honeypots, which led to an interesting find.
Analysis: Word.efe972d0d2f73fc51813889b756f2660840a4ccf2c783688a31c2eb9e2052b3b
An analysis of a malicious Word document found using VirusTotal Intelligence!
Analysis: Trojan.Downloader.9da0a9fb4f6a044b83ebf829dc1950eccc07c077a3a32f1378f5f6f19f28192c
A look over of a Trojan.Downloader I came across on VirusTotal intelligence. Turned out to be a file hiding more secrets than a wife hiding an affair!
Analysis: PHP.dbc1bf2de89ee7dd2597697b315be084ccf86edefd9f7e2dbf430438871a3fee
An analysis of a PHP implant I came across on VirusTotal Intelligence.
Analysis: Bitcoin miner installed through a MySQL hack
Someone was caught with their hand in the (honey)pot! If you would pardon the above pun, this write-up looks into a hit I had on one of my honeypots. It might not be anything new to some of you, but I haven’t encountered anything quite like the following method of attack.
Analysis: PHP.45e617bebb678925a0226fda6e3de79d713861e4f5c38110f2e619b9d7aa320f
An analysis of a PHP backdoor I came across on VirusTotal.
Analysis: Trojan.Downloader.6d1d946fc8a3ea0610bdef966bcd3a0e452278f0584f4058ca593d03c22dbe4c
An analysis of a Trojan Downloader I came across in one of my honeypots.
Analysis: Keylogger.DarkOmpan
Keylogger.DarkOmpan The name comes from the namespace contained within the Keylogger: DarkOmpan
Hackers nail unsecure websites on Afrihost server
In mid-February, hackers were able to access several websites hosted on one of Afrihost’s shared hosting servers, and started defacing them.